Bitcoins - Buy, Use and Trade the emerging crypto-currencies


Here it is, the new emerging currency Bitcoin is spreading and is already in use and with lots ways to use such as purchasing goods, paychecks of workers, local groceries shops, server hosting payments and much much more.

If you just got here, for some reason looking for the best and fastest place to BUY Bitcoins here is what i recommend:
If you want to trade or exchange Bitcoins for some fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies i recommend:

You can TRADE mostly alternative crypto-currencies in this exchanger:

The Bitcoin cryptocurrency concept
is decentralized, transparent and runs on a P2P network, one of the largest or the largest of the world. 
The total number of Bitcoins possible to be mined will be 21 Million, altough they can be divided in fractions, cents (satoshis).
There is an algorithm in Bitcoin that manages the growth by itself, there are also many developers working on safer and more private wallets, new coins, etc.

Miners that mine Bitcoin on a specific software and sometimes specific hardware in the network are validating transactions for every user.

 Every transaction since the release of Bitcoin is registered in the
where you can also open an online wallet there.

As the difficulty of mining, a feature of the cryptocurrencies, keeps rising as the network grows, and people are starting to use it more, the value of Bitcoin is likelly to rise fast now and slowly decreasing the rise speed as the difficulty rises, this should be happening in the next 20, 30, 40, 50 years, traded for any fiat currency or services/goods. (much like gold value).

Bitcoin was released to the public by an unknown person who signed "Satoshi Nakamoto", it was released in 2009. He left a paper with all the technical insides and code of ethics of Bitcoins. 
Satoshi Paper.

You can read alot more info in Wiki's and related articles, it is all open source. 

Most Bitcoin wallets download the entire blockchain history, i recommend:
 Very lightweight because it does not download the blockchain, start using it instantly.
Remember to encrypt your wallet (password protect it) and backup them in another harddrive, online or offline, or in paper.

You can also go for Bitcoins online wallets, as long as you understand that you are trusting their server security.

The future of Bitcoin wallets is in the writing, but it may settle around here  
Dark Wallet

Missing : Decentralized Exchangers

Have fun spending your Bitcoins and Share the Wealth !